Showing 19 Result(s)

Expel the Imposter – 5 Steps to Prove you are Capable and Deserving

Take a second to think about all of the amazing things you have accomplished this week, this month, and this year. Reflect on how your skills, commitment and expertise made these things happen. Do your many achievements easily come to mind? Or do you struggle to recognise your part in making them happen?
Imposter Syndrome is that nagging feeling that you don’t deserve your accomplishments, that you’re just a lucky imposter who will soon be exposed.

How to Overcome Being So Busy in Your Business

Building your business can keep you very busy.  Whether you are selling products or providing a service, clients are the cornerstone of your business. So for most of us, attracting and retaining clients is a top priority. Your business cannot exist or flourish without its clients. During the past few years while building my coaching practice, …

Just for Fun :-)

“Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much” Especially Laugh Often.  So here are a few fun suggestions: Play your favourite music Go to the park and play with the kids Watch a funny movie Go for a walk along the beach, or through the rainforest Go to the local farmers’ markets Play board games Go dancing …