Coaching for High Achievers who rarely celebrate their accomplishments, because they struggle with extremely critical self-talk.
With Mental Fitness coaching, they mute their critic, and with positive encouragement, gain better motivation and enthusiasm to strive for even greater goals.
Now they live every day with calm and confidence, because their self-belief and success are authentically aligned.
Watch this 2 minute video on how mental fitness coaching helps High Achievers like you!
You have it all!
Think about your own success. At this point in your life, you’ve found the work or career that is engaging and rewarding for you. In love, you’ve met your significant other and quite possibly have some children in the mix. You’ve surrounded yourself with family and friends who support you, have fun with and create the relationships that make your life really worthwhile. And you enjoy your lifestyle – where you live, the car you drive, other hobbies and interests and wonderful holidays during the year.
Life is fun and exciting and engaging with others. When people look at you, they see this external evidence of your success.
The cost of your success
You strive and work hard to control everything and make it perfect. Though being a high achiever, you feel guilty and constantly struggle to do it all. You feel time-stressed as you try to meet everyone’s demands. Outside looking in, you know your strengths and talents, but there are doubts deep down, whether or not this is true. You have established good relationships with others, but what about with yourself?
What happens when you’re alone
This is when your critical voice starts reminding you that you’re not doing enough. Saying such hurtful things which you’d never ever say to anyone else. Creating feelings of deep sadness and despair. You’re unable to control negative thoughts and feelings of helplessness, especially at night when trying to sleep. You believe everything must be a struggle. If you do survive the struggle, then this proves you are worthy and deserving of your success. You sabotage your own success to keep you from really fulfilling your potential. How do I know this? I speak from personal experience.
When two worlds align
We all have two worlds, internal and external. You can create your internal success and remove the inner struggle and sabotage, even in the face of daily chaos. Inner Bliss is the relationship with yourself giving you internal harmony. Being strong inside will help you better manage your external situations and demands. You will still do the same things each day, but inside, you will no longer feel frantic, but instead feel calmer and happier. Imagine what your life would be like without this internal struggle or sabotage.
Strengthening your mental muscles
Is an easy and fun learning experience, and is a skill you will definitely want to share with your family and friends.
You will learn how to build your mental muscles that will turn down the volume of your critical voice and tap into your positive inner wisdom. This intensive training actually rewires your brain in 6 weeks and will positively impact every area of your life and work. This learning program is based on the principles of Positive Intelligence (PQ) which involves focused practice of just 2 minutes during the day. I bet you just thought to yourself that you don’t have time. I guarantee that you will find 2 minutes of focus during your day.
Get more done with ease and flow. Enjoy your current and future success with greater happiness and harmony. Build and nurture healthy relationships that bring out the best in you and others.
For me, this training opened up feelings of optimism, possibility, freedom, lightness and achievement. I loved the imperfection of the training. Even when I messed up, I was still learning. Even during a ‘bad’ day, I have positive moments of inner bliss.
Repeating daily affirmations in the hope you will eventually believe them.
Trying always to being positive even when you know this is totally unrealistic.
Ignoring or pushing down negative thoughts and emotions as a way to avoid them.
Interested, curious and want to know more?
Go to the Mental Fitness Coaching page and I’ll show you how easily you can build your mental muscles.
The two enemies of the High Achiever:
get support
Here is the Solution...
Learn to grow your mental muscles to thrive in challenging times. A way to focus your time and energy on your priorities to give you the effortless flow between work and home – without the guilt!
I will assist you to achieve your highest success and sustained happiness, within weeks. I help you slow down and find the quality in life to design your day.
To calm your daily chaos, then Connect with me today...
How I help my clients design their mental fitness and calm their daily chaos...

Despite living in this fast paced age of technology, I firmly believe that we all possess the internal resources to calm our daily chaos, set aside our struggles and eliminate guilt from our lives.
Though when in the midst of your chaos, it is extremely difficult to deal with daily life AND find the time and energy to make the changes you are desperately seeking. Here is where I can [and will] help you in 3 simple steps…
1. DECIDE - to have integrity with yourself. Eliminate self-sabotage and identify the sneaky ways your saboteurs justify why there's no need to keep your promises to yourself. Remove imposter syndrome by gathering evidence to know that you are worthy and deserving of all success and happiness you create in your life.
2. DESIGN - your health and wellness by making better choices and decisions to improvise your mental and physical energy so you can care for yourself and others. Then clarify who and what is most important to you to know where to focus without guilt, and implementing strategies guaranteed that you will accomplish more by working less.
3. DELIGHT - as you rescue your time, working smarter (not harder) to eliminate anxiety and stress from your every day. Find time and quality in life being more aware of your blind spots that are holding you back.
Working together in partnership will give you the inspiration to get started, and the momentum and motivation to keep going and achieve really fast results.
Daily Bliss clients design their lives so they are happy, live healthy and rescue their time, plan a great day, and spend it on the people and things that matter most to them. Through their improved self-awareness, they have the confidence, the increased energy levels, clear thinking, minimised anxiety, and are able to better manage their stress.
Are you ready to calm the chaos in your daily life?
Book your Connect Session today.
Want to know what others are saying about Mental Fitness Coaching? Read on...
The PQ Program has allowed me to focus on my thought patterns and gain greater awareness on what is serving me to reach my full potential, as well as what is holding me back. I have gained greater awareness of my personal inner dialogue and through the techniques given have been able to move more into my sage, which has brought greater inner peace and be present in the moment, rather than let my saboteurs control my life creating fear and anxiety to name a few. Certainly, would recommend this program. Especially if you are frustrated with old thought patterns holding you back and wanting more from life but unsure where to start.
The program provides a fabulous App that steps you through the daily/weekly program, and then once a week meet up via Zoom with my POD group, which is always supportive and facilitated by our wonderful coach Gaye Kuelsen. Our negative thoughts can be interjected and over time shrunk through building up our mind muscles, allowing more room for our Sage, which I have so enjoyed learning more about. I want to be in my Sage majority of the time so I'm operating at my best. It's a journey and I am a work in progress, the mental muscles are growing which is exciting!
Lisa R ● National Program Manager
Since I started the program, I have become a bit more forgiving of myself when I haven't achieved as much at the end of the day as I wanted in the morning. Recognising other people's behavioural patterns helps me to understand them more, helps me to feel more empathy towards them. I think if everyone did this program, the world could become a better place with more love, forgiving and acceptance. Knowing that I am a high achiever and that harms me more than helps me, when my saboteur steps up I can let it go easier than before. Just the fact that I am a high achiever made me realise why I act the way sometimes a typical high achiever does. I can come across as "cold" and too business oriented, so I try to be less like that and more focusing on the other person or people around me, than only on the task ahead. That makes others feel better around me and I feel better too :)
Mel K ● Personal Brand Photographer
The last 6 weeks I’ve been working through the mental fitness training course with Gaye and it’s been an eye opening experience. If you’re a victim of self-sabotage and want to know how to move to making better life decisions, this course is for you! It’s been so enjoyable, never tedious while being easy to complete the short, app style modules at my own pace – even around a busy lifestyle, work and children. I can highly recommend taking the time to learn more about yourself, why you respond to challenges the way you do and how you can make different choices and create a happier more fulfilled life. I think these strategies should be taught from a very young age and will also be sharing this new knowledge with my own children.
Char S ● Private Investigator
Calmer, better able to respond to challenging situation, recognising my weak points and how to combat them.” [Would you recommend this program to other people?] “Yes!” “Given me a simple yet effective set of tools to use when I need them. Mental fitness is like physical fitness - it is never complete.
Fiona P ● Certified Practising Marketer
I recently completed the 6-week PQ Program with Gaye and found it extremely rewarding. The structure of the PQ Program was easy to commit to with daily videos to follow. The content was easy to understand and I will continue to use the skills learned in my everyday life going forward! I no longer react to situations and people, instead I take a moment to process and then response. Gaye provided professional guidance throughout the course and her support helped me get through each week. I highly recommend participating in this course all walks of life as it will have a benefit to all people.
Laura D ● Grant Writer
My Mental Fitness Experience...
Building my mental fitness muscles enhanced my daily bliss, enabling me to be calmer and happier with the added benefit of being more productive. I highly recommend this training if you are emotionally stressed from constantly listening to your negative critic and want to learn how to consistently turn down its volume.
Being able to catch myself when hearing my critic, I can now take myself to a calmer place where I can tap into the positive wisdom that we all possess. You too will learn these life-long skills and habits that will a positive impact on your performance, wellbeing and relationships, in just 6 weeks....Amazing!
Gaye Kuelsen ● Professional Coach at Daily Bliss
Do you want to design your life of success?
Close the gap between where you are today – and where you want to be. My approach to coaching is to empower you in designing the life of success and bliss you want to live.
Connect for free, without any obligation to you. All sessions are completely confidential. You can connect from the comfort of your home via Zoom, Skype or phone.
- Achieve clear business direction | Improve resilience and confidence
- Find time and quality in life | Accomplish more by working less
- Identify blind spots that hold you back | INSPIRATION to get started
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Meet Gaye . . .
Gaye partners with time-stressed, overworked individuals to design their life of success and bliss, even in the face of daily chaos.
As an international professional coach, Gaye Kuelsen has seen how the numerous demands of modern living have negatively impacted on our lives. With each client, Gaye builds a relationship based on trust and safety and believes that, if a person wants to change their work or personal life to have a greater sense of purpose and fulfilment, then coaching will deliver these outcomes for them.
With extensive corporate experience in business administration in the finance, insurance and medical industries, and over a decade in the government sector, Gaye brings her lived experience to her coaching.
Gaye’s perspective on coaching is that it is a fun, positive and life changing experience. Her coaching sessions are a mix of self-reflection, inspired action with a hint of humour that stretch and challenge her clients so they gain the best results. With her unique style, Gaye brings together the powerful combination of building business success and developing personal capability. She shows you exactly how to discover what is important to you and how to make it your priority.
To discover how you can decide, design and delight in your very own blissful lifestyle, even in the face of daily chaos, then Connect with Gaye now.

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